What We Do 我们的工作

Our Focus

We help Chinese American communities break the cycle of the rights and well-being of historically disenfranchised, marginalized, and vulnerable communities under ferocious attack by empowering people of all ages to dream, aspire and achieve.

Education 教育

Learning today allows for a brighter future, one in which we can learn each other. 了解华人在美政治生态, 迎头赶上

Advocacy 宣导

Public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy which they understood. 加大华裔在美政治进步力量

Community 社区建设

Once that community is formed, anything can be achieved. 关注社区团结

Our Programs 

10月7日 周三西岸5:30pm /东岸 8:30pm 直播美国副总统候选人辩论,全程普通话同声传译,传译员是美国国务院和美国国防部专业同传。男女两声可充分展示出辩论双方的风采。世纪大战,不容错过,大家可直接在留言区发表评论。


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