鼓励华裔社区了解与参与美国社会议题,建立共识,抑制不实信息对华人群体的分裂。我们相信:只有少部分华裔是self-interest driven,而更多人愿意站在社会进步和族裔长远发展来思考问题!

Protect the civil and political rights of Chinese Americans and to advance multiracial democracy in the United States. Core civil rights principles such as inclusion, equity, justice, and compassion guide the type of change we seek to achieve and the values we seek to embody.


Our Mission

这几年在美华人的生存和发展空间都备受打压,华裔在美政治上力量薄弱。阿拉米达亚裔进步联盟Asian American for Progressive Alameda 为改善此种状况而努力奋斗! 

It is clear that since 2016 we are in a moment of great danger and great opportunity. With the rights and well-being of historically disenfranchised, marginalized, and vulnerable communities under ferocious attack, AAPA is stepping up in all areas of its work to meet growing demands for assistance and leadership.

Our Focus 我们关注

Education 教育

Learning today allows for a brighter future, one in which we can learn each other. 了解华人在美政治生态, 迎头赶上

Advocacy 宣导

Public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy which they understood.  加大华裔在美政治进步力量

Community 社区

Once that community is formed, anything can be achieved. 社区团结

Take Action 加入我们

Volunteer your energy, talents and resources to bring inspiration and hope to those who need it. 一起行动.

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